Saturday, June 9, 2012

Two Years!

June is here and we have reached our two year anniversary of being "on the books." Still, we have not had any nibbles whatsoever. I use google analytics, so I see our profile site has had some good traffic, but no takers.

I have been in a "nesting" mood lately. I inventoried all the baby clothes that we have accumulated, and then went shopping to make sure we have the basics for a newborn. One observation on baby clothes. It really is annoying how everything is so gender based. Why does everything geared towards girls have to be pink or purple? I find the lack of other colors to be so limiting. And so much pastel! So suffice it to say, we have a lot of yellow, blue and green. I then washed it all, and organized them by size and type and put them in plastic baggies. So now they are all ready for baby. I am still in the middle of painting the tree mural in the nursery as well, and I really am happy with that so far. It feels good to do something creative. Now I am trying to wade through all the information out there on car seats and strollers. I don't know why, but every time I start to look for those items, I just get overwhelmed. Does anyone have any advice or recommendations?

I know some folks may be wondering why I am doing all of this washing and organizing if there has not been a match or even the prospect of one? Well our agency does a few things for those of us waiting for certain lengths of time. I believe it was at the one year mark that we went on the last minute hospital list. So if our agency gets a call from a maternity ward saying that there is mother there that wants to place their baby for adoption, our letter is one of the ones that they may see (as long as we meet other criteria that the mother is looking for). So this means we may get a call from our agency that we need to get down to so-and-so hospital and see if we are a match. Or put another way, we could suddenly become parents within a matter of hours! So I figured being prepared for such an event would be a good idea. Now granted, we have been on that list for a year now, and nothing of course has come of it, but still, you never know.

At 18 months, our letter went to a committee at our agency for them to go over and suggest changes. So we have totally redesigned, and updated our letter. I just ordered it though, so it has not been sent to anyone yet, but hopefully that will help. Also, the agency has put up a google ad for us specifically, and that too has seemed to have gotten some good traffic. We are also now in the top 50 families waiting, which means that if there are any birthmother intakes where they are due in less than 6 weeks, she only gets the letters from those families that match her criteria.

So there are a few things that have been going on that will hopefully help us, and I think that is why I have been feeling more optimistic. I hope everyone is doing well. I know it has been a long time since I posted anything, but really how many ways can you say nothing new to report?


  1. Hey just wanted to reach out and say I've watched your profile for a long time and as a past waiter and adopter through the IAC the wait is so stinkin' hard. Hang in there. I love your new picture and I hope it gets you the attention you need to find the one. Take care,
    Lisa Thompson

  2. I'm so sorry that it's been two years for you all! We are coming up on 18 months and I never thought we'd be waiting this long. I'm sure you have those same thoughts! I'm sure that milestone is a tough one. Glad to see that you are getting a little more traffic! We are getting considerably LESS. Good luck and just continue keeping busy!

  3. Lisa and Gina,
    Thank you guys for the words of encouragement. It is amazing how much reading your comments help! Knowing you know how it feels, and Lisa, knowing you did adopt through IAC makes one feel like they are not alone in having these feelings and doubts!

  4. Your new picture is great! and I love the new look of your blog - I haven't been here in awhile. I remember when we were waiting I had the same kind of a-ha moment of wait! we could become parents overnight and I went in to nesting mode. It wasn't long after we were contacted by our sons birthmother - so hopefully there is some magic in that for you as well. It's so hard waiting, hang in there!

  5. I know how you feel. Hope your wait is almost over! :)
