Not sure if anyone has seen on the news about the rescue effort that the organization Beagle Freedom Project undertook recently. This organization rescues Beagles from research labs after they no longer need or want them. On the day before Thanksgiving, their biggest rescue yet arrived in Los Angeles. 40 Beagles were flown here from a lab in Spain. We had volunteered a while back to foster one while they get adjusted to just being a normal dog, and then they will be adopted. So we went there on Wednesday night and what a sight it was to see 40 Beagles running around a backyard! It was such cute chaos!
We called our little guy Watson, as I really like to come up with literary names, and I thought it sounded good with our original Beagle, Marlowe. Watson is adjusting so well. He is sweet and lovable and pretty sharp, as he picked up his name quickly! He really loves food, and if you know how Beagles are, you know they love food. He likes to jump up on his hind legs to get your attention and ask you to rub behind his ears. We are trying to train him to not jump up on people. It is pretty amazing to see his curiosity and how quickly he just enjoys doing dog type things.
If you want to know more about fostering, adopting or donating check out their website.

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